Thanks to a Fleshbot post I came across this site www.p4cm.com. It is crazy. It is a christian website for their "EX-MASTURBATOR" campaign. This involves printing T-shirts with EX-MASTURBATOR plastered across them, and other fun t-shirts such as the EX-SLAVE t-shirt. Very nice. We've definitely come a long way.
If you care to watch the video that they have on their site (I only got half way through) there are such memorable quotes as,
"The girl broke down crying because to that very day she was still in bondage to masturbation."
"Y'all laughin', probably cos y'all still masturbating." Yes. Because it's fun.
"We really believe God's grace is behind it." Really? You really think that God's grace is behind a t-shirt that very ungracefully proclaims EX-MASTURBATOR? Hah.
"When I was a little girl, I had a friend that I played with. Something must have happened to her because it was from playing with her that I had my first sexual experience."
What? Whaaaat? I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy, but isn't it possible for a little girl, all on her own, to discover her own vagina? I mean it is literally under her nose. I cannot understand why this person is so convinced that something must have happened to her.
And as for all their bible claims from this that and the other verse, all I have to say is, what if the world came to an end right now, some massive cataclysmic event, and in several hundred years time some alien archaeologists discovered a book, "The Hobbit". If they were as silly as us now, they'd immediately say "Ohhh! There was a middle earth and everything. Wow." The bible doesn't even have an official author. Don't know who wrote it, or where they got their information from, but it is true, yeah definitely.

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