Yeah I get that people aren't interested in other peoples dreams, but Im blogging this anyway. I had three dreams on Friday night. They were creepy.
First one, I was sitting on the edge of a footpath writing in my diary (I don't do this in real life). I finished and got up to leave and saw what I thought was a big dead branch on the middle of the road. But as I got closer I saw that it was the shed skin of a massive snake. I freaked out a bit, turned around and on the other side of me were three snakes, very un-native looking, I tried running away but all three of them bit my ankles. I started running for help and got to some lady's house and she gave me an anti-venom and I was saved.

The second one was about a pool party where the pool would get covered with grass and then these two big shiny black chairs placed on top.
The third one was the creepiest. I lived in a house with a female friend of mine and some guy. Every day an unknown male intruder would break in and try to kill me and my friend, not the guy we lived with though. And we would fight back and kill the intruders everyday. But one day this intruder broke in and we tried killing him heaps of times but we couldn't, so we decided we would set him alight. I went looking for matches and my friend went looking for petrol or something. We came back and he was sitting there pretty much waiting for us to burn him, while the male friend was in a corner of the room sitting in an antique chair reading a book. We set his leg hair on fire and eventually he completely caught fire and ran outside where it was snowing. But instead of his screams sounding like a grown man's, it sounded like a baby crying. It was really... unsettling.

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