

Thanks to Jezebel I came across this website, Custom Creature Taxidermy. As you may or may not know, I already own a grouse's foot. (also known as a Mizpah, it's a Scottish traditional item I'm quite sure. Although the name is Jewish, meaning "watchtower"). I've blogged this grouse foot before in this post. So anyway, this site is right up my alley. These are things I've fallen into sick amour with.

"None of the animals used in Sarina’s work were killed for the purpose of using them in her art. All animal components are recycled. She utilizes salvaged roadkill and discarded livestock, as well as the many animals that are donated to her. Donated animals are often casualties of the pet trade, destroyed nuisance animals and pests, or animals that died of natural causes. A very strict "waste not, want not" policy is adhered to in her studio - virtually every part of the animal is recycled in some manner.

All this makes me want to learn taxidermy. However I cant seem to find anywhere that specifically teaches it.


Amanda August 4, 2009 at 9:39 AM  

amazing dude. i would love to learn it too